Cybersecurity and Data Science
Development Strategy for POB Cybersecurity and Data Science for years 2022-2026
Exemplary activities:
A summary of three years of the activity of POB Cybersecurity and Data Science
Published: 10/07/2023
What has happened since 2020?
Tech-Athon 2023
Published: 22/03/2023
Open call for team members for the marathon of work on practical solutions and demonstrators in the areas of biomedical engineering, photonic technologies, cybersecurity and data analysis, energy conversion and storage.
WUT at the head of a project investigating hate speech and fake news
Published: 28/10/2022
Researchers will focus on two areas: gender equality and public health
"Golden Cyborg" award for the chairperson of CB POB CyberDS
Published: 18/10/2021
Statuettes of "Golden Cyborg" for accomplishments in the development of the information and communications technology industry were awarded during the meeting of the Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the NASK headquarters. Professor Krzysztof Szczypiorski, Chairperson of POB Cybersecurity and Data Analysis was among the awarded.