Research University - Warsaw University of Technology

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Letter from Rector

Profesor Krzysztof Zaremba - Rektor Politechniki Warszawskiej

The status of a research university awarded to the Warsaw University of Technology is first and foremost a commitment to striving for excellence with all our might and strength. The responsibility of the academic community involved in the process must rely on the solid foundations of tradition and values, and create a space for unconventional ideas, implemented in the spirit of uninhibited scientific freedom, as well. Investment into people involved in the achievement of the common objective not only produces measurable outcomes of specific implementations, but also attains social objectives while overcoming barriers.

As a research university, the Warsaw University of Technology has commenced its transformation into a university of a European format, which is internationally recognisable and offers much more significant contribution to the world science than these days. In the coming years internationalisation of the activities will forge stronger bonds with the leading academic centres as part of mutual collaboration involving staff exchange, academic internships and programmes, such as European Universities Initiative, which support innovative activities and boost the prestige of our University.

The activities of the Warsaw University of Technology are also viewed in the context of stimulating the development of priority research areas and creating new learning programmes. At the same time, I would like to emphasise that striving for the highest quality at the University begins during the recruitment of candidate students. Programmes dedicated to this objective aim at encouraging the most outstanding ones to become students at the Warsaw University of Technology. When implementing the WUT talent development programme, we are able to recognise the potential of students with a particularly high aptitude for an academic career. „The Researcher’s Workshop”, which supports all-round development of doctoral students and increases the efficiency of academic work, at the same time preparing a doctoral student to pursue a professional career, may be seen as a means to develop an academic career. Since smooth functioning of the University and the development of research projects is hugely dependent on their proper servicing, we do not forget about the optimisation of administrative processes.

I believe that the coming years will see dynamic changes which will consolidate good practices and make the remarkable achievements of our University even greater.

Professor Krzysztof Zaremba, Phd, DSc
Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology