The second stage of the expansion of the Project Management Network has started

Further units of Local Project Divisions (LOPs) are under way.

The photo of a group of people.

Signatories of three new agreements.

In 2022, two units were established: LOP Physics and LOP South, which provide services related to administrative support for employees of four faculties at PW: Physics (LOP Physics), Mechatronics, Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering, and Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (LOP South).

7 new units will be created, including 14 PW units, in the second stage of the Project ManagementNetwork programme.

So far, three agreements have been signed that have established LOP SYNERGY (at the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography; Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering; Architecture), LOP CONSTRUCTIVE (at the Faculty of Civil Engineering), and LOP Materials Engineering (at the Faculty of Materials Engineering). Further agreements will be signed soon.

What is LOP?

The Local Project Division (LOP) is a place of direct support for heads of projects, including assistance in all non-substantive areas: budgeting, business analyses, and risk assessment. LOP complements the COP activities to assist heads of projects, relieving the administrative burden from them.

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