"Golden Cyborg" award for the chairperson of CB POB CyberDS

Statuettes of "Golden Cyborg" for accomplishments in the development of the information and communications technology industry were awarded during the meeting of the Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the NASK headquarters. Professor Krzysztof Szczypiorski, Chairperson of POB Cybersecurity and Data Analysis was among the awarded.

Prof. Szczypiorski after receiving the statuette; photo: nask.pl

Prof. Szczypiorski after receiving the statuette; photo: nask.pl

Laureates of the "Golden Cyborg" award are outstanding communications and information technology industry members, acknowledged for their significant scientific or managerial achievements. The statuette is awarded as an acknowledgement of the activity, which significantly impacts the dynamic development of the information and communications technology industry in our country. The statuettes of "Golden Cyborg" have been awarded for over 20 years.

This year, three people have been awarded the title of “Communications and Information Technology Leader”, with Krzysztof Szczypiorski, PhD, DSC, Professor at the Warsaw University of Technology, and chairperson of POB Cybersecurity and Data Analysis among them.

Źródło informacji: nask.pl

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