Opublikowano: 08/02/2024 2:20 pm
The closing date for applications shall be 15 March 2024.
Step 1:
Step 2:
- Prepare the following documents:
- A description of the planned research project, up to two pages long, indicating the anticipated results of the project.
- The agreement of the academic tutor that fulfils the criteria specified in section 4 to supervise the project according to the template attached as Annex No. 1 to the Regulations for the Competition (a signed scan of the agreement or a document confirmed by an electronically qualified signature).
- The information on the first- and second-cycle degree programmes (field of study, faculty, university) and information on the grades obtained at the end of first-cycle degree studies, together with the cumulative average point grade for the last semester completed as a second-cycle degree student (for students from outside Warsaw University of Technology - a document from the Dean's Office of the parent University is required).
- The information on documented achievements in research and development, including publications, software, and implementation of research grants.
- A declaration that the proposed project has not been and is not financed under another IDUB programme or any other source of public funds (principle of no double financing).
Step 3: